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Individual Therapy

Life is tough. Sometimes we need a bit of help navigating new terrain, gaining perspective on past experiences, or coping with what seem to be chronic or recurring issues.

Often it seems that we are operating on autopilot. We move throughout our days doing the best that we can to meet the expectations of ourselves and others. We go to work or start our job search, go to school, we interact within our systems and our communities, interacting and reacting to cues from others as well as beliefs that we carry about ourselves. ‘I have to meet this deadline, or this developmental milestone. I have to do this thing right or I shouldn’t do it at all. I have to meet the expectations of my partner or we will both feel miserable. I have to find a partner, one that I can connect with on all levels. I have to make this amount of money this year or else. I have to squelch these negative feelings and just push through.’

In our culture, we rarely have the opportunity or the skill to pause and turn inward. What is happening for me in this moment? What am I experiencing? How do I want to respond in this situation? How do I want to direct the course of this experience? What do I actually want? How can I find happiness, satisfaction, peace?

I believe that in order to reduce our suffering and find a sense of fulfillment, we need to be in communication with ourselves and our various parts. (Please see the ‘My Approach’ section for more details on parts work.) We need to be mindful of acknowledging and respecting the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of our parts. We need to learn to understand the various parts that comprise our internal system and offer healing to the parts that have been wounded.

In therapy, you will have the opportunity to gain the skills needed to achieve internal harmony, allowing you to live in alignment with your needs.